Here's the background image for those who would like to see it unobstructed. Graphite only, done over a few days. I like the ash effect. Boobs look wonky, some of the shading could be more subtle, and I didn't know exactly what to do with her hair...thing.
is that yours?
ReplyDeleteYup. All mine. Drawn on top of an ironing board and listening to the same song over and over.
ReplyDeleteThis looks awesome man. I wish I could even come close to doing something like that.
ReplyDeleteThat's sweet!
ReplyDeleteI think it's so weird how things like songs can impact us and give us such inspiration.
Woah, looks awesome, really like your style!
ReplyDeleteThis is great, u really have talent.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's quite an artistic flare you've got. I wish I could paint/draw like that. :(
ReplyDeleteYou've got quite the talent! Keep up the great work. I look forward to what you post next.
ReplyDeleteImpressive pic dude!
ReplyDeleteDid you make this? This is really nice!!
ReplyDeleteThis piece is very beautiful!
ReplyDeleteman youre awesome :D
ReplyDeletefollowed ;)
Is this your art? o_o It's amazing. Following for sure.
For all your Pokemon needs!
Nice! A bit H.R. Giger, only, ethereal instead of mechanical.
ReplyDeletewow, thats amazing to look at.
ReplyDeletei like it a lot. you're right, the left bewb could sag a bit more.
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty good. The boobs look a bit odd because you didn't seem to follow the perspective ratio. If you either made the farther one a bit smaller or front a bit larger, it would look better. Use a little bit more shading in between while eliminating the darker shade towards the top to take care of them.
ReplyDeleteOther then that, AWESOME!
Love your very artistic work!
ReplyDeleteholy fawkin shiz! this is so epic *___* UWAHH!!!!!